I am planning to make a survey of questions about my thriller genre for my respondents, so I understand what type of thrillers they like.The public audience opinion is very important for my questionnaire. I will have a total amount of ten questions to be asked, the questionnaires will not have inappropriate questions, and incorrect ordering of questions, incorrect scaling, or bad questionnaire structure as this negativity can make the survey pointless and confuse the respondents when answering.I will insure that I will look over my questionnaire to confirm that my questions are not inappropriate and other negatives that corrupt the survey is removed so that my questionnaire’s objectives are complete.
The type of questionnaire category will be for social group (public). These respondents are mainly everyone of every age, up to 11 years old and above. I am going to let this category answer the survey because they are my main attraction to my soft drink and also the most important category when selling my product. I will not add any unnecessary categories, as a matter of fact not any, to this questionnaire because it will cause confusion to my survey, as my respondents should not find in more than one category. If I do add another category for example government it would cause questions to be poorly answered.
The type of questionnaire category will be for social group (public). These respondents are mainly everyone of every age, up to 11 years old and above. I am going to let this category answer the survey because they are my main attraction to my soft drink and also the most important category when selling my product. I will not add any unnecessary categories, as a matter of fact not any, to this questionnaire because it will cause confusion to my survey, as my respondents should not find in more than one category. If I do add another category for example government it would cause questions to be poorly answered.
After my questionnaire is finished and looked over accurately, I will first inform my respondents of the results and data of the questionnaire so that they have a clear cut idea of what them the public prefer and have an understanding of. Lastly and most importantly the data and results will help me the creator of the survey decide the actions I take upon making a new production. Questionnaire results are always important because they allow you to take advantage of the respondent’s answers fully so that your product can sell well in cineama and also if it’s a test so it can be marked accurately by the test scorer.
What sex are you?
What age group are you?
What ethnic are you?
White British….. Black African….. Asian …..
White Irish….. Black Afro Caribbean…..
White European….. Black Mixed…..
White other….. Black other…..
What kind of thriller do you like as a sub-genre?
How many children do you have?
Do you watch films often?
What’s your favourite film out of these below?
Inception….. Pulp Fiction…..
The Dark Knight….. Goodfellas…..
Fight Club….. None…..
How have you become interested in thriller?
Trailers….. Posters….. Films….. Word of mouth…..
Billboards….. Mobile….. Newspapers….. Internet…..
Magazine….. Other…..
Did you enjoy my production?
What thriller generic conventions should’ve used more?
Weapons….. Locations….. Lighting…..
Characters….. Shots….. Other…..
Anthony your questionaire shows minimal understanding of the purpose of a questionaire also your defination of why you have chosen to conduct a questionaire is not relevant to the course topic.