This document explains the editing me and my group wish to use in are productoion ‘Jokes on You’.
Straight cuts used in many locations in production.
Why it is used?
This is used to switch to different scenes instantly allowing the audience to keep up with all actions and narratives taking place within seconds, can also be seen as visible editing.
How it is related to a thriller?
This relates to thriller as the audience are able to notify every ascept by the change of scene and viewpoint.
Film usage
In the film ‘Se7en’ we are shown many straight cuts, these are used to keep up with the narrative and also shows the audience the surroundings of different locations, this causing suspense as the audience understand everything that is going on and why.
Fade to black and fade used in the baby’s room and living room.
Why it is used?
This is used to switch to different scenes within the production and suggest a medium amount of time in ‘real life’ rather than narrative time has gone past.
How it is related to a thriller?
This relates to thriller as by the scene fading or to black it makes the scene seem disorted and tense as we the audience know the clown is in the room with the baby the audience do not know how much time the woman has left the room, this causing suspense.
Film usage
In the film ‘Doom’ a fade to black is used in to change the shot from a close-up to a point-of-view shot this causing tension.
Graphic editing used in the baby’s room.
Why it is used?
My production group wish to use this editing technique as the baby sitter looks into the baby’s room as a out focus point-of-view.
How it is related to a thriller?
This relates to thriller as the point of view will look disorted, first person view will look as if the baby sitter is out of breath and out of energy this causing anxiety and suspense.
Film usage
I have’nt seen any film use this type of idea before this is why I believe it is a good idea to use this technique to appeal to the audience in a different light.